So I mentioned in my last post that Paolina had a nasty eye infection. After a week of using prescription eye drops, there was no improvement...and in fact, on the seventh day her left eye was just as swollen as the first day we realized she had an infection. So after two visits to urgent care, one visit to her regular pediatrician and a visit to a pediatric eye care specialist, we found out that she's allergic to the eye drops she was being treated with. And just three days after discontinuing use, her eyes are back to normal. Poor poor baby. It made me feel bad enough that he we had to hold her down three times a day to put the drops in her I feel even worse knowing that we were making her worse!
But on to scrapbooking! First things first...I've completed lots of layouts as well as a card for some challenges over at Colorful Creations.
For the following layout we were to use a title as a title. I used "Cindefella" which is an old Jerry Lewis movie. I used photos of Santiago when he was 11 months old and had developed a fascination with our vacuum. Interestingly enough, at the age of three, he still loves pushing it around and helping me clean. I also finally used up some super old Basic Grey paper from their Vagabond line, as well as some paper & chipboard from their Granola line. I love using up scraps!
This next layout was for their Twisted Blueprints Challenge. One of the requirements for the challenge was to have a two-word title, but I kept looking back at it and something seemed missing. I realized that leaving the title simply "American Idol" wasn't enough, so I removed an element below the original title and added "Tour".
The next layout was for a challenge that required using photos of at least two female relatives and to use a "family" quote. I've been scrapping so many "older" photos lately but recently took advantage of a promotion at snapfish (99 prints for 99 cents), got some much more recent pics developed finally, and decided to use some shots of Paolina with her Abuelita that we took on Easter of this year. The quote I used is "It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace." by Christopher Morley.
I also made a card using the follow color combo:
For their second round of sports challenges (the first round was "team" sports) our theme was to be individual/non-team sports. So I scrapped some photos of Noé playing tennis when we spent the day at the park celebrating his 34th birthday. I had actually scrapped the adjoining page for one of their challenges last year, and you can see it in my 11.24.10 post.
And my final project for Colorful Creations is a two-page layout of Paolina (in my womb) when we first found out she was a girl! I was so excited at that time, that I immediately pulled some fabulous Prima papers to use to scrap the ultrasound pictures. I had been scrapping photos of Santiago for almost two years and was thrilled at the thought of using girlie papers & embellishments once she arrived. For some reason (I blame it on being pregnant while chasing around an active toddler) I put it all aside, and it sat for over a year...until the following color combo challenge was posted with the requirement that we use black & white photo. The perfect motivation to finally scrap this wonderful memory!
I had such a blast using this gorgeous color palette that it was a pleasant surprise when Color Combos Galore started running the following challenge for this past week:

For my interpretation I used photos of Noé holding Paolina this past March:
The prior week at Color Combos Galore they had a stunning blue & yellow combo that I also enjoyed working with:
I was totally inspired by their Featured Member Jodi Dolbel's layout, that I lifted it and adapted it for a two-page layout, using photos from a surprise party I threw for Noé at Dave & Buster's (back before kids!)
Not only was this a fun fun color combo to work with, but it was also Color Combos Galore "200th anniversary" challenge so they were running a blog hop. I wish that I had had time to post while it was going on to let everyone know about it...fortunately I did have just enough time to participate in the hop myself and all I can say is WOW! There is just so much talent out there...I wish I could have spent more time looking at all the blogs I visited. Some of the ladies were even giving away some blog candy! I rarely win anything, so I was pretty surprised when I was contacted by one of the hosts that my comment on her blog had been chosen by random generator to win a fabulous prize! You should really go check out her blog too...she does some gorgeous work --> Lilith's scrapbooking venture
I guess I will end on that fun note. Thanks for visiting!