

Let's Get Sketchy July Week 4

Wow! Where on earth has July gone? It must have gotten lost somewhere amidst all the packing I've been doing. I had hoped to get in a bit of scrapbooking before I had to pack up all my supplies, but alas I was never able to. So it looks like this page for Let's Get Sketchy will be my last for a few months. I know it's not scrappy related, but perhaps I'll pop in with some "before" and "after" pics of the remodeling we're going to be doing on our new house. Otherwise I won't really have any blog post material until I'm unpacked and back in the saddle again.

And speaking of trying to stay on a scrapbooking topic, here is the final July sketch from Let's Get Sketchy...

And my take on it...

So it dawned on me about 6 months ago that I have not been keeping up with my kids birthday party photos. This year Santiago turned 7 and Paolina turned 5, yet I have never even finished scrapbooking the photos from their first birthday parties, let alone even gotten photos developed for all the proceeding birthdays. I think it's a similar case as with Christmas pics...I get overwhelmed by the sheer number of photos that I took, that I don't even know where to begin. Anyhow, right then and there I decided to bite the bullet and print out photos from Paolina's 2nd birthday party and make it a goal to have them scrapped by the end of 2015. I'm happy to say I'm half way through all of's just too bad all this packing and moving is taking away from the time I had hoped to meet my goal.

Anyhow these photos were of some of the kids and the craft I had for them at the party...making their own crowns. All my product is super old, except for the watercolor-like chevron paper and the washi tape, which I picked up at Michaels last month when they were having one of their huge papercrafting sales (as if I need more scrappy supplies!)

Thanks for looking...hope you head over to Let's Get Sketchy to see what the rest of Team B has done!


Let's Get Sketchy July Week 2

Happy Monday everyone! So just when I thought our summer was slowing down a bit...swim lessons were finished, Paolina completed VBS and art camp, and all I have to do is run Santiago to his camp...we found out that the offer we made on a house was accepted. So now it's all about packing and making decisions about the renovations we'll be making in the new house before moving in. We've been spending a lot of time at Ikea and Home Depot lol. And I've already started packing nonessential items, which unfortunately includes scrapbooking supplies. Thank goodness I was actually ahead on my design team work, otherwise I would not have pages for July to share with you. Most likely I'm going to go on radio silence at the end of this month and you may not hear from me again until September or October. But enough about all're here for a sketch! So here it is...Let's Get Sketchy's July Week 2 sketch:

I rotated it and came up with this...

I love my hairdresser! I always leave feeling gorgeous and can't resist getting a selfie every time. This was a new style this past February. I've been sporting sideswept bangs for years and thought it was time for a change.

If you haven't already, please head over to the Let's Get Sketchy blog to see what the rest of Team B did with my sketch. I'm sure you will find a ton of inspiration!

Product List:
Elle's Studio Saltwater patterned paper
Sassafras Lass patterned paper
Heidi Swapp Mixed Media glitter stickers
Recollections washi tape
The Crafters Workshop template
Heidi Swapp color shine
Loew-Cornell watercolor paint